Through AthleticTraynorServices Melissa will teach you how to #fitinfitness into your life. Gain the tools and knowledge you need through a program developed just for you.
You have the drive, now you need the fuel. A custom nutritional plan based on your genetics will give you the advantage you need for real results.
From developing a game plan to helping you stick to it, you are not alone. Melissa is here to join you on your journey to being a better you.
Who Is Melissa Traynor
She is known to be someone who thrives on helping empower (#MPOWER) others to break barriers and unleash their inner warrior to live their best lives on their own terms. This is done through many forms of media, coaching, consulting and just about any way needed to spread the power of holistic health and community.
She states, “When people are mentally and physically fit and happy within themselves and their own lives, this positivity spreads.”
Real Results for Real People
Ready To Be More?
Introducing AthleticTraynorServices
A concept by Melissa Traynor (ACSM EP-C, PN1, CISSN) that involves bringing you a blend of experiences and tools to help you #fitinfitness and healthy eating anytime, anywhere, no matter your body or perceived abilities.